About us

Our Story

From Milan to Seville

In 2002, we arrived in Seville, with a suitcase full of enthusiasm. Although we are not going to deny that at first we felt some fear. As in any good story, the beginnings were not easy. But we soon fell in love with the city and that made things easier.

From the beginning, we were clear that Seville would offer us the opportunity to create quality cuisine thanks to the richness of its raw materials. The proximity of the coast and the mountains offered us great opportunities that we could not miss.

Many projects have accompanied us along the way, but without a doubt, gluten-free cooking has been one of the most important and, at the same time, the most difficult. In addition to training our staff and building a separate kitchen within our facilities to avoid the risk of cross-contamination, we feel rewarded by so many expressions of affection and gratitude. In this sense, we continue working to improve and be able to offer lactose-free or vegan options, so that everyone can enjoy our establishment.

The story continues and we continue working steadily. Now that you know us, what are you waiting for?

Our decor

Rustic Style

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Quality Products

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